froggy 🍃

on "shoulds"

The word "should" has always left a sour taste in my mouth. A well meaning off-handed comment such "You should maybe tie your shoes...", would be met with my immediate negative aura. "Why should I listen to you? On what authority are you saying this?? Do you know better than me???" I struggle with this knee-jerk reaction even to this day. I've recently come to a theory on why it gets me so riled up, and how I can process it better, and I'd love to share it with you. It really helped me come to terms these, from the "everyday should" to some deep-seated internalized voices.

Note: this reads as if directly from my stream-of-consciousness, so it can be jumpy in places.


For clarification, i'm talking about the definition:

used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions. (Google)

(i hate to use definitions in formal writing or speaking, it's pretty corny. I felt like i had to use it here though cause there's so many uses of the word "should".)

This use of the word should has a clear standard for, as it describes, "obligation, duty, or correctness". Let's consider the following:

You should tie your shoes.

The missing context here is the standard of "correctness" that I'm being comparing to. (It is socially accepted to have tied shoes.)

Aside: Taking things personally

Just taking the phrase at face value, there's a lot one can take personally here. Let's take it from an expert, Sir Takes-Everything-Personally, who's made a home in my head:

(Leave it to him to ruin the vibes. I'll maybe write about his behaviour another time.)

A lot of the problem here is me taking things personally. I'm lucky that I can say no one in my life that's close to me would seriously question my behaviour or intelligence through such an indirect statement such as this. Beyond that, there is a bit more to unpack here.

Let's consider another example:

You should be going to church.

As a kid this is so easy to follow. Sundays are for church, simple as. This leads to another failure mode: the recommendation gets blindly followed, without understanding what's behind it. Eventually they become internalized. But at what point does that voice stop? Well, to no one's surprise, these voices don't stop on their own! 😄🔫

Let's reframe!

Let's use our communication muscles for a bit here. If we're missing context in a sentence, let's leave a space for the speaker to put it in. Concretely,

You should X if Y.

Let's reword those examples:

You should tie your shoes, if you don't want to trip.

Easy enough. This speaker is looking out for you, and doesn't want you to break your nose on the concrete! How considerate.

You should be going to church, if you want to ...

Woah woah woah, pause. There's so many things you can fill here!

This seems to be much more nuanced. (I guess technically the shoe-tying example can be interpreted in various ways as well, but I just showed the non-controversial socially accepted one.)

So... what do we do here?

Growing up, my train of thought and resulting behaviour was simple:

This got me far. I was a very obedient kid, and got a lot of "grown up points" from the grown ups. So, I'd like to thank that part of me for its service. 🫡 However, now it's doing me more harm than good. So we're working on unraveling it, unlearning harmful behaviours and learning new ones.

Back to the example. Let's think about how this makes us feel. When someone says "You should be going to church.", it's left up to us to fill in the context. Without it,

  1. we are left guessing what they mean.
    • (What this looked like for me (ruminating, introverted), was that I would derive some harsh/negative headcanon on why they might be saying that. "They must think I'm not a good Christian." Which is a harsh conclusion, because we are typically harshest on ourselves.)
  2. Or, we don't question the motivation and blindly follow this advice.
    • Church = good! Drugs = bad!

Armed with this newfound ability to reframe this sentence (You should be going to church, if ...), it allows me to get behind the motivation of their comment. In practice, it looks something like this

This is very mature, and requires a lot of various aspects of myself to come forth.

(I'm realizing now that being a human is a rounded effort, and you can't just speedrun one trait at a time!)

How did I get here?

It's always fun for me to trace back what went into something, such as a delicious meal at an overpriced restaurant (I can make this at home!), a beautiful portfolio website (oh never mind it was just squarespace), or what got me to a certain point in thought. Let's break down how we got to this point, which ultimately I think is the most interesting part of this blog post:


if you're still here, thanks! it means a lot. you can reach me... somewhere tbd. write your feedback on a piece of paper, fold it, seal it with wax, and leave it outside. sprinkle some Sunflower Hearts: No-Mess, No-Waste Birdseed on it and my people will be in contact.